

The interred are stirring, disturbed by my presence, as well as yours. The sense a newcomer, the freshness of your spring piqued times forgotten. You know of your fate, and welcomes it as well as you can.

Still I tread in the place of eternal fall, searching for the perfect spot to bury you. You stared at me with imploring eyes tinted with the yellow and red of the swirling leaves. Mesmerized as always by your enchanting gaze, I slowed my step and looked at you in all your glory enhanced by the sombre, solemn space. It's as if you  , yourself, are stuck between this plane and the next, somehow taking in the most beautiful. I almost feel my soul falling unto the abyss of your eyes, and at that moment I broke my gaze. It is time.

The ground is fresh, ready for another memory to be given to its eternal embrace, to nourish another seed in this forest of amber and jade.

12 axon connections:

Margaret said...

ready for another memory to be given to its eternal embrace, to nourish another seed in this forest of amber and jade.

... what an ending!

Isabel Doyle said...

A flying Magpie!

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

good lines here... love it!


Brian Miller said...

wow that last paragraphs is tremendous...plant another seed among them...what a thought...very nicely written...

Kay said...

fabulous post!

Kathy B. said...

interred/stirring/eternal/mesmerized/sombre/memory/amber...there are many words with an "urr" sound that create a murmuring poetic feeling throughout this Magpie. The closing with amber & jade linked is especially nice.

Neokiro said...

Wow, first off thanks for wandering in here :)

@Margaret, Isabel and Kay: The compliments and deeply appreciated, mesdames. It's really a booster as it's my first time to post a Magpie.

@JJRod'z and Brian: Thank you sirs!

@Kathy: Thank you! I didn't realize what effect they had, though I did feel that the rolling r's helped set up the tone of a personal, rarely visited place.

Helena said...

Depth and deliverance. A fine Magpie indeed!

Tess Kincaid said...

You really pulled me in with that opening line...wonderful write...

hyperCRYPTICal said...

A fine Magpie ineed!

Anna :o]

dario the jagged little egg said...

Wow very poetic : )

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

poetic and beautiful.

welcome sharing a random or relevant poetry with us today.


hope to see you in.

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